Eco Scout Ghana




We need to rethink geo-economics to beat climate change.

Decision-making can be difficult, especially when we have to make thousands of them. Every. Single. Day.

However, it’s essential to ask Ourselves important questions apart from the average ones, such as what to eat, where to go, what to say, and what to wear. And while asking such questions, it’s easy to dismiss our actions and not realize the impact they could have.

The magnitude of Climate Change can also be such that it can make one feel almost helpless. However, with every person rising and demanding change, we can bring about the revolution we dream of. Because after we cannot continue what we do and Possibly expect any different Results.

Ways to Incorporate Rethinking:

  • Can this Product packaging be Redesigned in such a way to make it last longer and be Recycled?

  • Can only a Limited Range of materials be used in making this item so that its Recycling is easier?

  • Can Renewable Energy Sources be used instead?

  • Can we Conserve Water by Harvesting Rain?

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Can the Materials used in the Product be Recycled and used in other projects

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Can the containers, and Packages of products be used again and again?

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Can we possibly reduce the number of materials used in products?

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Reforestation is seen as a way to help cool the climate, sucking.


Eco-Scout Movement is a not-for-profit NGO that has played an essential role in the long-standing transformation of Ghanaian mentality for more than a decade. Our founders and members are committed and dedicated to upgrading the strategies in Climate Change and bringing about effective solutions to address issues leading to global warming greenhouse gases emission. Our projects include working closely with companies, institutions, and government bodies to conduct large-scale Awareness programs. We call on all Ghanaians to join hands with us and help us leave a better planet for our generations to come.

What Experts say

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Image of oscoutghana

"I wish the world was twice as big - and half of it was still unexplored." "It's surely our responsibility to do everything within our power to create a planet that provides a home not just for us, but for all life on Earth." “Young people - they care."

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Image of oscoutghana

"If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever."